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IKIGAI : The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life

By Hector Garcia & Francesc Miralles

This is one of the best self help books out there in the market written by Hector Garcia & Francesc Miralles. Book talks about how we can work againt ageing and increase general longevity of humans. Frances Miralles and Héctor García did research on the secret of the elderly in Japan. Why do Japanese elderly become so extremely old in certain areas in Japan? What are they eating? What are they doing to stay active? How do they deal with stress? What does their social life look like?

What is Ikigai?

a reason to get out of bed each morning or a purpose to your life. Writers have taken the some certain people living over for 100 years in a small village of Okinawa of Japan for reference.

”We find our ikigai by concentrating on what is important, rather than what’s urgent. By constantly keeping an eye on what feels good, we are able to discover what our passion is.”- Mundo Urano

In this book, the term ikigai is translated as the bliss of always being busy. Ikigai is actually a combination of your passion, your mission and your profession. Your ikigai can be very clear, but also something you’re still looking for.

The book also links to certain Western therapies (such as logotherapy) and may also be a question, such as: ”why don’t you commit suicide?”That’s a harsh question, but it’s forces you to really think what’s important in life. And right there lies the secret to a long and happy life. In the answer to this question you will find your own ikigai.

” Only those who remain busy want to become hundred ” – Japanese proverb

The ten rules of Ikigai ~

The book is concluded with 10 rules of ikigai that is distilled from the wisdom of the long-living residents of okinawa.

  1. Stay active; don't retire.

  2. Take it slow.

  3. Don't fill your stomach.

  4. Surround yourself with good friends.

  5. Get in shape for your next birthday.

  6. Smile.

  7. Reconnect with nature.

  8. Give thanks.

  9. Live in the moment.

  10. Follow your Ikigai.

My conclusion is that this book is a nice, entertaining book that reads very easily and quickly and can certainly motivate you to live healthier.I’ve learned some nice tips.

I wouldn’t go so far by saying that this book will help you to find your own ikigai. This is something very personal and this can be something very big or something very small.This book is not really about that. However, it gives you an idea of how it feels once you’ve found it and explains why it’s so healthy. I can also recommend this book if you’re looking for great insights and inspiration to live healthier and more positive. There might have been some more ”ikigai tips” in this book, but nevertheless this book is a great addition if you love self-help books with an emphasis on health.

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